Last week I had my wisdom teeth removed, and I was f’ing terrified. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared for anything in my life. Y’all might hate me, but I lost five lbs in two weeks from being too nervous to eat. My reasoning for the nerves is the whole epilepsy/anaesthetic link, but really that was just an excuse. Confession: I’m a baby.

Anyhow, last night my jaw hurt a lot. Like, wake me up at 2am in pain hurt. Obviously I did what any rational human being does in this day and age – I googled the symptoms. Side note: Worst idea ever. I quickly found out that I was about to die from a mix of rotting mouth and staph infection and exposed bone and dirty surgery tools. Awesome. I called my dentist almost in tears and left a voicemail for them to make an immediate emergency appointment. Then I knocked myself out on Percocets and slept like a baby.

Anyhow, fast forward to my appointment. The nurses were looking at me concerned then my (pretty awesome overall) doc comes in, looks around in my mouth and told me that I had the tiniest bit of food in there but overall I was healing very well. Then he asked me, “Do you need more painkillers?” I told him that I didn’t think so because I still had so many left. I showed him my pill bottles which are both pretty much full. He looked at me exasperated, rolled his eyes, shook his head and said “Well maybe, Leah, if you are experiencing pain you should probably be taking the painkillers I prescribed to you. You know, for pain.” Then he left the room. Haha. I don’t think he was too impressed with me because I made it sound like I was basically puking pus when in reality I was completely fine and was experiencing normal pain from my mouth being sliced open six days prior.

Moral of the story, generally it is a good idea to take the medication which is prescribed to you. Now I’m off to knock myself out some more and sleep like a baby.

And someday in will continue to post wedding photos! I’ll bring my laptop to work tomorrow and sit myself down in my favourite Chatham coffee shop (Dekoko’s) and work on that! Just remind me to bring my laptop to work tomorrow, kay? Cause I always forget it at home.